No. | Code | Effect |
1 | AYNT-AAFA | Start game at Act 2 |
2 | BYNT-AAFA | Start game at Act 3 |
3 | YANA-BK38 + NTGT-AAC6 | Game clock starts at 100--all scenes |
4 | YANA-BK38 + 3AGT-AAC6 | Game clock starts at 200--all scenes |
5 | YANA-BK38 + FTGT-ACC6 | Game clock starts at 300--all scenes |
6 | YANA-BK38 + 8TGT-ACC6 | Game clock starts at 500--all scenes |
7 | YANA-BK38 + 66GT-AGC6 | Game clock starts at 999--all scenes |
8 | SAFA-AADT | Game clock runs slower |
9 | EAFA-AADT | Game clock runs faster |
10 | CJFA-AA58 | Freeze clock (no time limit) |
11 | AAGA-AAHY | Start with 1 life instead of 3 |
12 | AEGA-AAHY | Start with 2 lives |
13 | AJGA-AAHY | Start with 3 lives |
14 | ATGA-AAHY | Start with 5 lives |
15 | A2GA-AAHY | Start with 7 lives |
16 | A2ET-AA8G | Infinite lives |
17 | BCMA-AA2R | HP (life) gauge never loses energy |
18 | AK2A-AA52 | MP (magic) gauge never loses energy |
19 | JCCA-BAYW | Small heart increases HP gauge by 8 |
20 | BWCA-BA6R + SCCA-BBYT + J4CA-BK6W | Small heart increases HP gauge by 12 |
21 | A4CA-AA6W | Small heart restores HP gauge to full |
22 | CLCA-AA6R | Small heart worth same as large heart |
23 | RCCA-AA6R | Small heart worth same as 1-up |
24 | AWCA-AAFJ | Large heart increases HP gauge by 4 |
25 | BLCA-AAFJ | Large heart increases HP gauge by 10 |
26 | DCCA-AAFJ | Large heart restores HP gauge to full |
27 | MWCA-AA7C | Large heart worth same as 1-up |
28 | JCCA-BTOT | B-magic increases MP gauge by 4 |
29 | CCCA-BA8N + SCCA-BB0R + KLCA-BK8T | B-magic increases MP gauge by 16 |
30 | A4CA-AA8T | B-magic restores MP gauge to full |
31 | JCCA-B2Z6 | S-magic increases MP gauge by 6 |
32 | BWCA-BA72 + SCCA-BBZ4 + KLCA-BK76 | S-magic increases MP gauge by 12 |
33 | A4CA-AA76 | S-magic restores MP gauge to full |
34 | CLCA-AA72 | S-magic worth same as B-magic |
35 | JCCT-BJTE | 1-up worth 2 lives instead of 1 |
36 | JCCT-BTTE | 1-up worth 4 lives |
37 | JCCT-B2TE | 1-up worth 6 lives |
38 | RGCT-A6TE | 1-up worth nothing |