GAME GENIE CODES: Saint Sword. |
No. | Code | Effect |
2 | BH1T-AACE | Select up to 9 players on options screen |
3 | REKA-E6W2 | Infinite number of transfiguration items once you get one |
4 | AVZA-AA7R | Almost infinite life energy |
5 | AVZA-AA36 | Protection against stronger boss hits |
6 | SFZT-BJYY | Each Centaur item is worth 2 |
7 | SFZT-BTYY | Each Centaur item is worth 4 |
8 | SFZT-BJY8 | Each Birdman item is worth 2 |
9 | SFZT-BTY8 | Each Birdman item is worth 4 |
10 | SFZT-BJZJ | Each Fishman item is worth 2 |
11 | SFZT-BTZJ | Each Fishman item is worth 4 |
12 | REHA-E6TJ | Infinite time to complete stage |
13 | JAHA-FLTJ | Time goes by 2x as fast |
14 | JAHA-FWTJ | Time goes by 4x as fast |
15 | REHA-E6Y0 | Stop transfiguration timer |
16 | JAHA-FLY0 | Transfiguration timer is 2x as fast |
17 | JAHA-FWY0 | Transfiguration timer is 4x as fast |
18 | NNHA-EAHN | Start transfiguration timer at 99 instead of 60 -- doesn't work when using time necklace |
19 | ITVT-EEG4 | Start chapter 1 timer at 700 instead of 350 |
20 | 9TGT-FGJR + EAGT-EGAT | Start all chapters with timer at 800 |
21 | SFZT-BA00 | Small magic ball worth 80 |
22 | SFZT-BA0N | Medium magic ball worth 100 |
23 | GKZT-AAGC | Large magic ball worth 500 |
24 | RF0T-A6XN | Infinite lives |