GAME GENIE CODES: Robocop versus the Terminator. |
No. | Code | Effect |
1 | A4MB-TA6C | Invincibility |
2 | AEGB-TAD4 + AEJB-TAFL | Start with life at near 0 |
3 | CAGB-TAD4 + CAJB-TAFL | Start with life at 1/4 full |
4 | EAGB-TAD4 + EAJB-TAFL | Start with life at 1/2 full |
5 | GAGB-TAD4 + GAJB-TAFL | Start with life at 3/4 full |
With Codes 6 and 7 the Life meter display will look strange.
6 | TAGB-TAD4 + TAJB-TAFL | Start with life at 2x full |
7 | RHEV-R60A | Infinite lives |
8 | ACLB-TAC8 | Start with 1 life |
9 | ALLB-TAC8 | Start with 3 lives |
10 | BLLB-TAC8 | Start with 11 lives |
11 | HWLB-TAC8 | Start with 61 lives |
12 | NRLB-TAC8 | Start with 100 lives |
13 | RGAV-T6TR | Each Robocop head worth 0 extra lives |
14 | ACAV-VJTR | Each Robocop head worth 2 extra lives |
15 | ACAV-VTTR | Each Robocop head worth 4 extra lives |
16 | ACAV-VATR | Each Robocop head worth 8 extra lives |
17 | AC4V-RABR | Start with 0 continues |
18 | AG4V-RABR | Start with 1 continues |
19 | A04V-RABR | Start with 5 continues |
20 | BG4V-RABR | Start with 9 continues |
21 | A4RB-TA20 | Infinite continues |
22 | AD8B-S16J | Super jump |
23 | AD8B-SV6J | Mega-jump |
24 | AJ5B-TA32 | Enemies killed with 1 shot, except boss enemies |
25 | DLLB-TA3N | Don't lose special weapons when you die |