No. | Code | Effect |
2 | AJPA-AAFG | Player A starts at level 2 |
3 | ANPA-AAFG | Player A starts at level 3 |
4 | ATPA-AAFG | Player A starts at level 4 |
5 | AYPA-AAFG | Player A starts at level 5 |
6 | AJPT-AAGC | Player B starts at level 2 |
7 | ANPT-AAGC | Player B starts at level 3 |
8 | ATPT-AAGC | Player B starts at level 4 |
9 | AYPT-AAGC | Player B starts at level 5 |
10 | 8TPA-ACGL | Player A starts with $5,000 instead of $1,000 |
11 | 7APA-AGGL | Player A starts with $10,000 |
12 | 2TPA-AWGL | Player A starts with $25,000 |
13 | VAPA-BGGL | Player A starts with $50,000 |
14 | AAPA-AAGL | Player A starts with no money |
15 | 8TPT-ACHG | Player B starts with $5,000 instead of $1,000 |
16 | 7APT-AGHG | Player B starts with $10,000 |
17 | 2TPT-AWHG | Player B starts with $25,000 |
18 | VAPT-BGHG | Player B starts with $50,000 |
19 | AAPT-AAHG | Player B starts with no money |
20 | AEPA-AAGW | Player A starts with Panda 600 bike instead of Shuriken 400 |
21 | AJPA-AAGW | Player A starts with Bonzai 750 bike |
22 | ANPA-AAGW | Player A starts with Kamikaze 750 bike |
23 | ATPA-AAGW | Player A starts with Shuriken 1000 bike |
24 | AYPA-AAGW | Player A starts with Ferruci 850 bike |
25 | A2PA-AAGW | Player A starts with Panda 750 bike |
26 | A6PA-AAGW | Player A starts with Diablo 1000 bike |
27 | AEPT-AAHR | Player B starts with Panda 600 bike instead of Shuriken 400 |
28 | AJPT-AAHR | Player B starts with Bonzai 750 bike |
29 | ANPT-AAHR | Player B starts with Kamikaze 750 bike |
30 | ATPT-AAHR | Player B starts with Shuriken 1000 bike |
31 | AYPT-AAHR | Player B starts with Ferruci 850 bike |
32 | A2PT-AAHR | Player B starts with Panda 750 bike |
33 | A6PT-AAHR | Player B starts with Diablo 1000 bike |
34 | BDCT-AACA | Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Sierra Nevada road |
35 | B9CT-AACA | Players need to finish 15th or better on Sierra Nevada road |
36 | BMCT-AA34 | Players don't need to run Sierra Nevada road |
37 | BDCT-AACT | Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Pacific Coast road |
38 | B9CT-AACT | Players need to finish 15th or better on Pacific Coast road |
39 | BMCT-AA4L | Players don't need to run Pacific Coast road |
40 | BDCT-AADA | Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Redwood Forest road |
41 | B9CT-AADA | Players need to finish 15th or better on Redwood Forest road |
42 | BMCT-AA44 | Players don't need to run Redwood Forest road |
43 | BDCT-AADT | Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Palm Desert road |
44 | B9CT-AADT | Players need to finish 15th or better on Palm Desert road |
45 | BMCT-AA5L | Players don't need to run Palm Desert road |
46 | BDCT-AAEA | Players need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Grass Valley road |
47 | B9CT-AAEA | Players need to finish 15th or better on Grass Valley road |
48 | BMCT-AA54 | Players don't need to run Grass Valley road |
NOTE: some of the following codes (49 to 79) may be a little buggy, |
49 | ANPA-AAZG | Palm Desert is only 2.4 miles long (instead of 5.7) |
50 | AEPA-BAZG | Redwood is only 2.7 miles long (instead of 5.4) |
51 | BAPA-AAFG | New level, goes beyond normal end of tracks. (only on Sierra Nevada
and Pacific Coast). |
Codes 52 to 58 are perfect for testing the experimental bikes (Codes 63 to
77), |
52 | AJPA-BAFG | Sierra Nevada is 12 miles long, & perfectly straight, with
no traffic on the left side of the road! |
53 | ATPA-BAFG | Sierra Nevada is 16 miles long, & perfectly straight, with
no traffic on the left side of the road! |
54 | ATPA-AAZG | Sierra Nevada & Grass Valley tracks are straight, with no traffic
on the left side of the road! |
55 | BAPA-BAFG | Can race Palm Desert with no cops, & traffic on one side only! |
56 | ANPA-BAFG | Redwood is much straighter. |
57 | AYPA-BAFG | Palm Desert is almost straight. |
58 | A2PA-BAFG | Pacific Coast & Sierra Nevada are much straighter and 16 miles long. |
59 | AELA-AA0W | Ride during a thunderstorm. |
60 | AEPA-AAG4 | Always finish in 1st place on Sierra Nevada |
61 | AEPA-AAHW | Always finish in 1st place on Palm Desert |
62 | 02PA-BH8L | Player A starts with $623,900 |
NOTE: to get some of these test bikes (codes 63 to 77) to go , you have to
just "tap" the "B" button |
63 | 7JPA-BAGW | Faster bike |
64 | ANPA-AL0W | Super fast bike |
65 | AEPA-BAGW | Another super fast bike |
66 | ATPA-AN0W | Nitrous oxide bike! Super fast. |
67 | BJPA-ABGW | NITRO bike! Accelerate instantly to 280 MPH. |
68 | 3JPA-AAGW | Bike starts out and stays in Overdrive! (The game quits after your
first wreck so don't crash!) |
69 | 72PA-AAGW | Test bike. Almost instant acceleration to about 290 MPH. Barely controllable. |
70 | ATPA-ANGW | Test bike. VERY fast! |
71 | AEPA-BA0W | Test bike. Goes from 0 to 180 MPH in less than 1 second. |
72 | ATPA-AP0W | Test bike. Very fast! |
73 | AEPA-BB0W | Test bike. Top speed 280 MPH. |
74 | ATPA-AA0W | Test bike. This motor will turn about 20,000 RPM! (regular bikes
are only about 8,000 RPM). Top speed is 164 MPH. |
75 | AYPA-AA0W | Test bike. This motor turns 21,500 RPM @ 158 MPH. |
76 | AEPA-AB0W | Test bike. The motor turns at 23,000 RPM @ 140 MPH. |
77 | 3JPA-AA0W | Test bike. Stuck in 3rd gear! |
78 | AELA-AAGW | Road looks like it's frozen solid. |
79 | AELA-AT0W | The road is yellow instead of black. |
Codes 49 to 79 were submitted by Tony Hedstrom of the Code Hut. |