GAME GENIE CODES: Phantasy Star 3. |
No. | Code | Effect |
1 | ETBA-AA88 | MASTER CODE -- Must be entered |
2 | AWAA-CA7A | 1ST treasure chest contains specified amount plus 32,768 meseta |
3 | 9MTA-CCGN | Start with 250 HP |
4 | A4ZT-AA22 | But anything at armor, weapon, and equipment shops no matter how much meseta you have |
5 | ALZT-AA7W | Items that you can afford are free |
6 | BXDA-AA5L | Fortunetelling is free |
7 | BXAT-AA64 | Poison recovery at healer's is free |
8 | BW9T-AA5E | Resurrection at the healer's is free |
9 | A49A-AA28 | Technique distribution is free |
10 | REHT-C6VL | Using monomate, dimate, or trimate restores all lost HP |
11 | BTHA-CA9J | No TP (Technique points) lost for using Res technique |
12 | BTHA-CA38 | No TP lost for using Rever tech. |
13 | BTHA-CA6W | No TP lost for using Gires tech. |
14 | GCJT-B62W | No TP lost for using Anti tech. |
15 | CKBA-AA3G | One strike kills small front row enemies |
16 | B3FA-AA80 | One strike kills all large back row enemies |
17 | GTBT-CA3T | No HP lost in battle from ememy strikes |
18 | GTCT-CA5C | No HP lost in battle from enemy techniques |
19 | ATJT-CA50 | Characters cannot be poisoned |
20 | A2NT-AA8R | No enemies ever attack (Code must be turned off to complete game) |