No.  Code  Effect
   1  ALEA-AA6W  Infinite lives for players 1 and 2
With Codes 2 thru 13, only 5 lives are shown on the screen
but if you have more, the game does keep track of them correctly
   2  AE0T-AAEW  Player 1 starts with 2 lives
   3  AN0T-AAEW  Player 1 starts with 4 lives
   4  AY0T-AAEW  Player 1 starts with 6 lives
   5  A60T-AAEW  Player 1 starts with 8 lives
   6  BE0T-AAEW  Player 1 starts with 10 lives
   7  960T-AREW  Almost infinite lives--player 1
   8  AE0T-BA66  Player 2 starts with 2 lives
   9  AN0T-BA66  Player 2 starts with 4 lives
 10  AY0T-BA66  Player 2 starts with 6 lives
 11  A60T-BA66  Player 2 starts with 8 lives
 12  BE0T-BA66  Player 2 starts with 10 lives
 13  S60T-BA66  Almost infinite lives for--player 2
 14  KBCA-AF22  Ghosts stay blue 1/2 as long as normal
 15  KBCA-AH22  Ghosts stay blue 2x as long as normal
 16  KBCA-AM22  Ghosts stay blue 4x as long as normal
 17  KBCA-AS22  Ghosts stay blue 8x as long as normal
With Codes 18 thru 21, the score counter keeps track correctly,
even though the normal value is shown floating up to the top of the screen.
 18  CCGA-ARM6  Cherry is worth 10,000 instead of 1,000
 19  ECGA-A6X4  Strawberry is worth 20,000 instead of 2,000
 20  GCGA-BL58  Lemon is worth 30,000 instead of 3,000
 21  LCGA-AHYA  Banana is worth 50,000 instead of 5,000
With Codes 22 thru 26, only 5 lives are shown on the screen
but if you have more, the game does keep track of them correctly
 22  AGET-AACL  2 lives after continue--both players
 23  ARET-AACL  4 lives after continue--both players
 24  A0ET-AACL  6 lives after continue--both players
 25  A8ET-AACL  8 lives after continue--both players
 26  BGET-AACL  10 lives after continue--both players

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