GAME GENIE CODES: Mutant League Football. |
No. | Code | Effect |
2 | AG2T-0CHE | Each quarter is 1 minute long |
3 | B82T-0CHE | Each quarter is 15 minutes long |
4 | D42T-0CHE | Each quarter is 30 minutes long |
5 | ADKT-3A7E | Start with 0 timeouts |
6 | AHKT-3A7E | Start with 1 timeout |
7 | AMKT-3A7E | Start with 2 timeouts |
8 | A1KT-3A7E | Start with 5 timeouts |
9 | BDKT-3A7E | Start with 8 timeouts |
10 | RHJA-461A | Infinite timeouts |
11 | AXEA-4A9L | Timeouts not reset at halftime |
12 | CWSA-4AG6 + CXJT-4ADN | Play clock is 15 seconds |
13 | D4SA-4AG6 + D5JT-4ADN | Play clock is 30 seconds |
14 | HWSA-4AG6 + HXJT-4ADN | Play clock is 60 seconds |
15 | MLSA-4AG6 + MMJT-4ADN | Play clock is 90 seconds |
16 | RGSA-460L | Play clock is infinite |
17 | AKBA-0AGR + AKTA-4ADY | 2 downs to get a 1st down instead of 4 |
18 | APBA-0AGR + APTA-4ADY | 3 downs to get a 1st down instead of 4 |
19 | AKTA-4A2E | The down never increments |
20 | HBST-4AG2 | 1st and 5 after a kickoff or a 1st down |
21 | ZBST-4AG2 | 1st and 15 after a kickoff or a 1st down |
22 | 6BST-4AG2 | 1st and 20 after a kickoff or a 1st down |
23 | GBST-4EG2 | 1st and 50 after a kickoff or a 1st down |
24 | NBST-4JG2 | 1st and goal after a kickoff or a 1st down |
25 | HA1T-4AAW | 1st and 5 after a punt or loss of downs |
26 | ZA1T-4AAW | 1st and 15 after a punt or loss of downs |
27 | 6A1T-4AAW | 1st and 20 after a punt or loss of downs |
28 | GA1T-4EAW | 1st and 50 after a punt or loss of downs |
29 | NA1T-4JAW | 1st and goal after a punt or loss of downs |
30 | BXXA-2AH8 + BXXT-2AAG | Kick meter goes up to 1/3 maximum |
31 | DDXA-2AH8 + DDXT-2AAG | Kick meter goes up to 2/3 maximum |
32 | RHXT-26TR | Once kick meter reaches maximum, it stays there |
33 | AJMA-4A22 | Touchdown worth 0 points |
34 | REMA-5ET2 | Touchdown worth 1 point |
35 | REMA-5JT2 | Touchdown worth 2 points |
36 | REMA-5NT2 | Touchdown worth 3 points |
37 | REMA-5TT2 | Touchdown worth 4 points |
38 | REMA-5YT2 | Touchdown worth 5 points |
39 | REMA-56T2 | Touchdown worth 7 points |
40 | REMA-5AT2 | Touchdown worth 8 points |
41 | AJXT-4A6Y | Field goal worth 0 points |
42 | REXT-5EYY | Field goal worth 1 point |
43 | REXT-5JYY | Field goal worth 2 points |
44 | REXT-5TYY | Field goal worth 4 points |
45 | REXT-5YYY | Field goal worth 5 points |
46 | REXT-52YY | Field goal worth 6 points |
47 | REXT-56YY | Field goal worth 7 points |
48 | REXT-5AYY | Field goal worth 8 points |
49 | AL7T-2A36 | Safety worth 0 points |
50 | RG7T-3EV6 | Safety worth 1 point |
51 | RG7T-3NV6 | Safety worth 3 points |
52 | RG7T-3TV6 | Safety worth 4 points |
53 | RG7T-3YV6 | Safety worth 5 points |
54 | RG7T-32V6 | Safety worth 6 points |
55 | RG7T-36V6 | Safety worth 7 points |
56 | RG7T-3AV6 | Safety worth 8 points |
57 | AJXT-4A46 | Extra point worth 0 points |
58 | REXT-5JW6 | Extra point worth 2 points |
59 | REXT-5NW6 | Extra point worth 3 points |
60 | REXT-5TW6 | Extra point worth 4 points |
61 | REXT-5YW6 | Extra point worth 5 points |
62 | REXT-52W6 | Extra point worth 6 points |
63 | REXT-56W6 | Extra point worth 7 points |
64 | REXT-5AW6 | Extra point worth 8 points |
65 | AJMA-4A50 | 2 point conversion worth 0 points |
66 | REMA-5EX0 | 2 point conversion worth 1 point |
67 | REMA-5NX0 | 2 point conversion worth 3 points |
68 | REMA-5TX0 | 2 point conversion worth 4 points |
69 | REMA-5YX0 | 2 point conversion worth 5 points |
70 | REMA-52X0 | 2 point conversion worth 6 points |
71 | REMA-56X0 | 2 point conversion worth 7 points |
72 | REMA-5AX0 | 2 point conversion worth 8 points |