GAME GENIE CODES: John Madden Football '92. |
No. | Code | Effect |
Codes 2 Thru 4 may cause delays in plays and kickoffs.
2 | D49T-AAB2 | Play clock starts at 30 seconds |
Codes 3 & 4, The Computer will run down the play clock -- Best to use
in 2 Player mode.
3 | HW9T-AAB2 | Play clock starts at 60 seconds |
4 | ML9T-AAB2 | Play clock starts at 90 seconds |
Codes 5 thru 10 replace the 5-minute-per-quarter option in the options
The screen will still display the 5-minute quarter, even though a code has been used. The 15-minute quarter option works as normal. |
5 | D3EA-CACA | Each quarter lasts 30 seconds |
6 | HVEA-CACA | Each quarter lasts 1 minute |
7 | SBEA-CACA | Each quarter lasts 2 minutes |
8 | 0BEA-CJCA | Each quarter lasts 20 minutes |
9 | BBEA-CRCA | Each quarter lasts 30 minutes |
10 | CBEA-C6CA | Each quarter lasts 60 minutes |
11 | ACPA-AAGC | Home team starts with 0 timeouts |
12 | AGPA-AAGC | Home team starts with 1 timeout |
13 | ALPA-AAGC | Home team starts with 2 timeouts |
14 | A0PA-AAGC | Home team starts with 5 timeouts |
15 | BGPA-AAGC | Home team starts with 9 timeouts |
16 | ACPA-AAGJ | Visiting team starts with 0 timeouts |
17 | AGPA-AAGJ | Visiting team starts with 1 timeout |
18 | ALPA-AAGJ | Visiting team starts with 2 timeouts |
19 | A0PA-AAGJ | Visiting team starts with 5 timeouts |
20 | BGPA-AAGJ | Visiting team starts with 9 timeouts |
With Codes 21 thru 24,
if the computer is allowed more than 4 downs, it still punts on the 4th down --so the advantage is yours. If the computer is allowed less than 4 downs, it will always run plays and never punt. |
21 | AL6T-AAFR | Only have 1 play to get a first down |
22 | AR6T-AAFR | Only have 2 plays to get a first down |
23 | AW6T-AAFR | Only have 3 plays to get a first down |
24 | A46T-AAFR | Have 5 plays to get a first down |
25 | AL6T-AA6R | Always first down - the down never counts down. |
26 | FC8A-AAE2 | Only need 5 yards for a first down |
27 | SC8A-AAE2 | Must get 15 yards for a first down |
28 | YC8A-AAE2 | Must get 20 yards for a first down |
29 | 8C8A-AAE2 | Must get 30 yards for a first down |
30 | AL8A-AA68 | Always goal-to-go--must get a touchdown |
31 | AL7T-AA9W | Touchdown worth 0 points |
32 | GC7T-BE1W | Touchdown worth 1 point |
33 | GC7T-BJ1W | Touchdown worth 2 points |
34 | GC7T-BN1W | Touchdown worth 3 points |
35 | GC7T-BT1W | Touchdown worth 4 points |
36 | GC7T-BY1W | Touchdown worth 5 points |
37 | GC7T-B61W | Touchdown worth 7 points |
38 | GC7T-BA1W | Touchdown worth 8 points |
39 | AC7T-BE5J | Extra point worth 0 points |
40 | AL7T-BE5J | Extra point worth 2 points |
41 | AR7T-BE5J | Extra point worth 3 points |
42 | AW7T-BE5J | Extra point worth 4 points |
43 | A07T-BE5J | Extra point worth 5 points |
44 | A47T-BE5J | Extra point worth 6 points |
45 | A87T-BE5J | Extra point worth 7 points |
46 | BC7T-BE5J | Extra point worth 8 points |
47 | AC7T-BE52 | Field goal worth 0 points |
48 | AG7T-BE52 | Field goal worth 1 point |
49 | AL7T-BE52 | Field goal worth 2 points |
50 | AW7T-BE52 | Field goal worth 4 points |
51 | A07T-BE52 | Field goal worth 5 points |
52 | A47T-BE52 | Field goal worth 6 points |
53 | A87T-BE52 | Field goal worth 7 points |
54 | BC7T-BE52 | Field goal worth 8 points |
55 | AL8A-AA38 | Safety worth 0 points |
56 | GC8A-BEV8 | Safety worth 1 point |
57 | GC8A-BNV8 | Safety worth 3 points |
58 | GC8A-BTV8 | Safety worth 4 points |
59 | GC8A-BYV8 | Safety worth 5 points |
60 | GC8A-B2V8 | Safety worth 6 points |
61 | GC8A-B6V8 | Safety worth 7 points |
62 | GC8A-BAV8 | Safety worth 8 points |