GAME GENIE CODES: King's Bounty. |
No. | Code | Effect |
Codes 2 thru 156 are good only when starting a new game.
2 | NWWT-EAFW | Start with days left at 100 |
3 | 7CWT-EGFW | Start with days left at 1,000 |
4 | 5WWT-ELFW | Start with days left at 1,500 |
5 | 4CWT-ERFW | Start with days left at 2,000 |
6 | VCWT-FGFW | Start with days left at 5,000 |
7 | LCWT-FEM6 | Start with leadership at 50 for Sir Crimsaun |
8 | LCWT-E0X6 | Start with leadership at 75 for Sir Crimsaun |
9 | LCWT-F456 | Start with leadership at 125 for Sir Crimsaun |
10 | LCWT-FPD6 | Start with leadership at 150 for Sir Crimsaun |
11 | LCWT-EVX6 | Start with leadership at 200 for Sir Crimsaun |
12 | LCWT-FZ56 | Start with leadership at 250 for Sir Crimsaun |
13 | ACWT-EAET | Start with commission at 0 for Sir Crimsaun |
14 | NWWT-EAET | Start with commission at 100 for Sir Crimsaun |
15 | 8WWT-ECET | Start with commission at 500 for Sir Crimsaun |
16 | 4CWT-ERET | Start with commission at 2,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
17 | VCWT-FGET | Start with commission at 5,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
18 | CCWT-ERNT | Start with commission at 10,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
19 | ECWT-E6YT | Start with commission at 20,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
20 | JCWT-F3ET | Start with commission at 40,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
21 | 7CWT-F56T | Start with commission at 65,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
22 | ACWT-EAEJ | Start with gold at 0 for Sir Crimsaun |
23 | 7CWT-EGEJ | Start with gold at 1,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
24 | 1CWT-E0EJ | Start with gold at 3,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
25 | VCWT-FGEJ | Start with gold at 5,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
26 | ECWT-E6YJ | Start with gold at 20,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
27 | JCWT-F3EJ | Start with gold at 40,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
28 | 7CWT-F56J | Start with gold at 65,000 for Sir Crimsaun |
29 | ARWT-EAEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 0 for Sir Crimsaun |
30 | ARWT-ECEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 1 for Sir Crimsaun |
31 | ARWT-EJEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 4 for Sir Crimsaun |
32 | ARWT-EREA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 7 for Sir Crimsaun |
33 | ARWT-EYEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 10 for Sir Crimsaun |
34 | ARWT-FJEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 20 for Sir Crimsaun |
35 | ARWT-FENA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 50 for Sir Crimsaun |
36 | ARWT-EJ6A | Start with maximum spell capacity at 100 for Sir Crimsaun |
37 | AGWT-EAEE | Start with spell power at 0 for Sir Crimsaun |
38 | AGWT-EEEE | Start with spell power at 2 for Sir Crimsaun |
39 | AGWT-EJEE | Start with spell power at 4 for Sir Crimsaun |
40 | AGWT-EREE | Start with spell power at 7 for Sir Crimsaun |
41 | AGWT-EYEE | Start with spell power at 10 for Sir Crimsaun |
42 | AGWT-FJEE | Start with spell power at 20 for Sir Crimsaun |
43 | AGWT-FENE | Start with spell power at 50 for Sir Crimsaun |
44 | AGWT-EJ6E | Start with spell power at 100 for Sir Crimsaun |
45 | GLWT-EJ56 | Start with leadership at 50 for Lord Palmer |
46 | NWWT-EJ56 | Start with leadership at 100 for Lord Palmer |
47 | S0WT-EJ56 | Start with leadership at 125 for Lord Palmer |
48 | W4WT-EJ56 | Start with leadership at 150 for Lord Palmer |
49 | 3CWT-EJ56 | Start with leadership at 200 for Lord Palmer |
50 | 9LWT-EJ56 | Start with leadership at 250 for Lord Palmer |
51 | ACWT-EAEW | Start with commission at 0 for Lord Palmer |
52 | NWWT-EAEW | Start with commission at 100 for Lord Palmer |
53 | 8WWT-ECEW | Start with commission at 500 for Lord Palmer |
54 | 4CWT-EREW | Start with commission at 2,000 for Lord Palmer |
55 | VCWT-FGEW | Start with commission at 5,000 for Lord Palmer |
56 | CCWT-ERNW | Start with commission at 10,000 for Lord Palmer |
57 | ECWT-E6YW | Start with commission at 20,000 for Lord Palmer |
58 | JCWT-F3EW | Start with commission at 40,000 for Lord Palmer |
59 | 7CWT-F56W | Start with commission at 65,000 for Lord Palmer |
60 | ACWT-EAEL | Start with gold at 0 for Lord Palmer |
61 | 7CWT-EGEL | Start with gold at 1,000 for Lord Palmer |
62 | 1CWT-E0EL | Start with gold at 3,000 for Lord Palmer |
63 | VCWT-FGEL | Start with gold at 5,000 for Lord Palmer |
64 | ECWT-E6YL | Start with gold at 20,000 for Lord Palmer |
65 | JCWT-F3EL | Start with gold at 40,000 for Lord Palmer |
66 | 7CWT-F56L | Start with gold at 65,000 for Lord Palmer |
67 | ACWT-EEEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 0 for Lord Palmer |
68 | AGWT-EEEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 1 for Lord Palmer |
69 | ALWT-EEEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 2 for Lord Palmer |
70 | A8WT-EEEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 7 for Lord Palmer |
71 | BLWT-EEEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 10 for Lord Palmer |
72 | CWWT-EEEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 20 for Lord Palmer |
73 | GLWT-EEEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 50 for Lord Palmer |
74 | NWWT-EEEA | Start with maximum spell capacity at 100 for Lord Palmer |
75 | ACWT-ECEE | Start with spell power at 0 for Lord Palmer |
76 | ALWT-ECEE | Start with spell power at 2 for Lord Palmer |
77 | AWWT-ECEE | Start with spell power at 4 for Lord Palmer |
78 | A8WT-ECEE | Start with spell power at 7 for Lord Palmer |
79 | BLWT-ECEE | Start with spell power at 10 for Lord Palmer |
80 | CWWT-ECEE | Start with spell power at 20 for Lord Palmer |
81 | GLWT-ECEE | Start with spell power at 50 for Lord Palmer |
82 | NWWT-ECEE | Start with spell power at 100 for Lord Palmer |
83 | NWWT-FEM8 | Start with leadership at 50 for Tynnestra |
84 | NWWT-EJ58 | Start with leadership at 100 for Tynnestra |
85 | NWWT-F458 | Start with leadership at 125 for Tynnestra |
86 | NWWT-FPD8 | Start with leadership at 150 for Tynnestra |
87 | NWWT-EVX8 | Start with leadership at 200 for Tynnestra |
88 | NWWT-FZ58 | Start with leadership at 250 for Tynnestra |
89 | ACWT-EAEY | Start with commission at 0 for Tynnestra |
90 | NWWT-EAEY | Start with commission at 100 for Tynnestra |
91 | 8WWT-ECEY | Start with commission at 500 for Tynnestra |
92 | 4CWT-EREY | Start with commission at 2,000 for Tynnestra |
93 | VCWT-FGEY | Start with commission at 5,000 for Tynnestra |
94 | CCWT-ERNY | Start with commission at 10,000 for Tynnestra |
95 | ECWT-E6YY | Start with commission at 20,000 for Tynnestra |
96 | JCWT-F3EY | Start with commission at 40,000 for Tynnestra |
97 | 7CWT-F56Y | Start with commission at 65,000 for Tynnestra |
98 | ACWT-EAEN | Start with gold at 0 for Tynnestra |
99 | 7CWT-EGEN | Start with gold at 1,000 for Tynnestra |
100 | 1CWT-E0EN | Start with gold at 3,000 for Tynnestra |
101 | VCWT-FGEN | Start with gold at 5,000 for Tynnestra |
102 | ECWT-E6YN | Start with gold at 20,000 for Tynnestra |
103 | JCWT-F3EN | Start with gold at 40,000 for Tynnestra |
104 | 7CWT-F56N | Start with gold at 65,000 for Tynnestra |
105 | ALWT-EAEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 0 for Tynnestra |
106 | ALWT-ECEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 1 for Tynnestra |
107 | ALWT-EGEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 3 for Tynnestra |
108 | ALWT-EREC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 7 for Tynnestra |
109 | ALWT-EYEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 10 for Tynnestra |
110 | ALWT-FJEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 20 for Tynnestra |
111 | ALWT-FENC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 50 for Tynnestra |
112 | ALWT-EJ6C | Start with maximum spell capacity at 100 for Tynnestra |
113 | ACWT-EAEG | Start with spell power at 0 for Tynnestra |
114 | ACWT-ECEG | Start with spell power at 1 for Tynnestra |
115 | ACWT-EJEG | Start with spell power at 4 for Tynnestra |
116 | ACWT-EREG | Start with spell power at 7 for Tynnestra |
117 | ACWT-EYEG | Start with spell power at 10 for Tynnestra |
118 | ACWT-FJEG | Start with spell power at 20 for Tynnestra |
119 | ACWT-FENG | Start with spell power at 50 for Tynnestra |
120 | ACWT-EJ6G | Start with spell power at 100 for Tynnestra |
121 | GLWT-F2M8 | Start with leadership at 50 for Mad Moham |
122 | KRWT-F2M8 | Start with leadership at 75 for Mad Moham |
123 | S0WT-F2M8 | Start with leadership at 125 for Mad Moham |
124 | W4WT-F2M8 | Start with leadership at 150 for Mad Moham |
125 | 3CWT-F2M8 | Start with leadership at 200 for Mad Moham |
126 | 9LWT-F2M8 | Start with leadership at 250 for Mad Moham |
127 | ACWT-EAE0 | Start with commission at 0 for Mad Moham |
128 | NWWT-EAE0 | Start with commission at 100 for Mad Moham |
129 | 8WWT-ECE0 | Start with commission at 500 for Mad Moham |
130 | 7CWT-EGE0 | Start with commission at 1,000 for Mad Moham |
131 | VCWT-FGE0 | Start with commission at 5,000 for Mad Moham |
132 | CCWT-ERN0 | Start with commission at 10,000 for Mad Moham |
133 | ECWT-E6Y0 | Start with commission at 20,000 for Mad Moham |
134 | JCWT-F3E0 | Start with commission at 40,000 for Mad Moham |
135 | 7CWT-F560 | Start with commission at 65,000 for Mad Moham |
136 | ACWT-EAER | Start with gold at 0 for Mad Moham |
137 | 7CWT-EGER | Start with gold at 1000 for Mad Moham |
138 | 1CWT-E0ER | Start with gold at 3,000 for Mad Moham |
139 | VCWT-FGER | Start with gold at 5,000 for Mad Moham |
140 | ECWT-E6YR | Start with gold at 20,000 for Mad Moham |
141 | JCWT-F3ER | Start with gold at 40,000 for Mad Moham |
142 | 7CWT-F56R | Start with gold at 65,000 for Mad Moham |
143 | ACWT-ELEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 0 for Mad Moham |
144 | AGWT-ELEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at for Mad Moham |
145 | AWWT-ELEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 4 for Mad Moham |
146 | A8WT-ELEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 7 for Mad Moham |
147 | BLWT-ELEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at for Mad Moham |
148 | CWWT-ELEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 20 for Mad Moham |
149 | GLWT-ELEC | Start with maximum spell capacity at 50 for Mad Moham |
150 | NWWT-ELEC | Start with maximum spell capacity (100) for Mad Moham |
151 | AWWT-EEEG | Start with spell power at 4 for Mad Moham |
152 | A8WT-EEEG | Start with spell power at 7 for Mad Moham |
153 | BLWT-EEEG | Start with spell power at 10 for Mad Moham |
154 | CWWT-EEEG | Start with spell power at 20 for Mad Moham |
155 | GLWT-EEEG | Start with spell power at 50 for Mad Moham |
156 | NWWT-EEEG | Start with spell power at 100 for Mad Moham |
157 | 1XYT-BGR2 + AHYT-AAG4 | Always have 1 troop in each army in battle |
158 | 1XYT-BGR2 + CXYT-AAG4 | Always have 20 troops in each army in battle |
Be careful when using Codes 159 thru 162 without Code 163.
159 | 1XYT-BGR2 + GMYT-AAG4 | Always have 50 troops in each army in battle |
160 | 1XYT-BGR2 + NXYT-AAG4 | Always have 100 troops in each army in battle |
161 | 1XYT-BGR2 + 9MYT-AAG4 | Always have 250 troops in each army in battle |
162 | 1XYT-BGR2 + 8XYT-ACG4 | Always have 500 troops in each army in battle |
163 | 2AXT-DCTG | Never lose control of an army |
Early in a game, it doesn't take many troops before an army gets too large
to control.
When using Code 164, you will still see the number of available troops decrease as you recruit them. However, if you leave the troop dwelling and re-enter it later, you will see that the original number of troops in the dwelling has been restored. |
164 | AMBA-AA84 | Recruiting does not reduce population of troop dwellings |
165 | AKWA-CA9Y | Recruitment and boat rental are free |
166 | RGNA-A6YY | Armies work for free |
167 | CBCT-AA6T | Never run out of days (counter resets to 65,535) |
If the game won't accept a password from a game when you used codes try Code
168. |
168 | AJVT-AA4L + AJTA-AA6Y | Accept any password |