Game Forgotten Worlds
Author/Vendor Capcom
Released 1989
Game Type Shoot 'em up
Language English & Japanese
(set console accordingly)
Defaults to English - Set Country to Japan for Japanese
Doesn't default to one region - USA/JAPAN/EUROPE depends on which
country is selected in the version menu! Set version to USA or Europe
for English, or JAPAN for Japanese.
Gens (0.98)
Default language depends on the order set in Country Autodetection.
Set Country to USA or Europe for English.
Set Country to JAPAN for Japanese.
Another one of those sci-fi fly-and-shoots, with some player characters (not ships) that kinda resemble Duke Nukem. Hmmm.....

Conversion of a once-popular arcade game. The controls take some getting used to and it is beginning to look a bit dated, but the gameplay is still passable, . Devoted shooter fans may want to give it a try anyway.