Agrabah Rooftops.

Extra Life.

Do a superjump straight up off the first flagpole for a free life.

Hidden Merchant.

Throw an apple at the pot with smoke soming out of it to expose a gap in the floor. Fall down through that gap to get to the merchant.

Extra Heart.

Just before you jump onto the rope that lets you slide down and to the left, double back to the right a screen or two. A heart!

Extra Life.

After you've vaulted up the two consecutive flagpoles, you'll see a free life off to the right. Fall down and do a superjump off the upper flagpole to obtain it.

Abu Token.

Above the first clothesline is an Abu token. Do a superjump off the flagpole to grab it.

Extra Life.

On the floor just below the next milestone you can get a free life. Just move down and kill the guard below, then use the flagpole to double back. Watch out, there's a guard there who wasn't there before...

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