Game Aah! Harimanada
(Sumo Wrestling)
Author/Vendor Kodansha
Released 1993
Game Type Beat 'em up
Language Japanese
A Few minor graphics problems (Shadows).
Gens (0.92)
Sumo wrestling, like most sports, is an acquired taste. Western audiences for the most part fail to grasp the rich tradition behind this Japanese sport and instead focus on appearances - two really fat guys standing on a square wooden plaftorm and trying like crazy to shove each other out of a ring inscribed within the edges of the platform. Once you understand sumo and its rituals, though, it can be just as entertaining than its American so-called "professional" counterpart.

Seems to be quite faithful to the sport except for some obvious Street Fighter 2 inspired touches. Great graphics, great sound, and good gameplay, makes a refreshing change from the usual beat 'em up.